Who is George Dibbern?

February 8, 2019

For one man, a series of events set in place a journey that would ultimately lead him to Bruny Island, Tasmania. His name is George Dibbern.

More Bruny Island Journal

The Volant winning the first Ocean Race in 1898

February 12, 2018

First and Oldest: Bruny Island Race

The Bruny Island Race was first held on Saturday 19 March 1898 and was originally called The Ocean Race, it is Australia's oldest ocean yacht race.  

Tasmanian Azure Kingfisher

May 23, 2018

Rare Azure Kingfisher spotted on Bruny Island

The Tasmanian Azure Kingfisher is endangered and endemic to Tasmania, and very rarely seen on Bruny Island.

Lizzie Stokely, Bruny Island surfer, interview

July 11, 2018

Lizzie Stokely shares her love of Cloudy Bay

Bruny's favourite daughter and Bruny Island Coastal Retreats ambassador, Lizzie Stokely, shares what she holds dear.

Fixing the Cat-astrophe!

May 17, 2017

Fixing the Cat-astrophe!

It’s a well-known fact that feral cats have contributed to the extinction of several Australian bird and mammal species, whilst threatening the existence of many more.