For one man, a series of events set in place a journey that would ultimately lead him to Bruny Island, Tasmania. His name is George Dibbern.
Cape Bruny Light keepers have been doing battle with nature since 1838. Tending the light to ensure that maritime travellers did not meet the same grisly end as so many before them had done, it was an arduous and unrelenting life.
In late 2013, undertook a massive and rather unique weed eradication project. Our aim was to control the radiata pine infestation which was threatening to overrun the native bushland at our 900 acre 'Bruny Island Lodge' property on South Bruny.
The Endorfun Labillardiere Pensinsula Trail Run was held on September 24th, 2017. The 17.5km run took participants around picturesque trails on southern Bruny.
This video shows the journey of the Te Rapunga from a back yard in Auckland, New Zealand to the Denman Marine restoration yard in Hobart, Tasmania.