Use of CAD technology for Te Rapunga restoration

February 8, 2019


This video shows how CAD technology is being used for the restoration of Te Rapunga.

More Bruny Island Journal

White bellied sea eagle

November 6, 2017

The Solitude of birds

Perhaps it is something about the island that makes us like birds, both happy in our solitude and eager for a chat.

View of Cloudy Bay Cabin and the beach on Bruny Island

August 10, 2017

I have a room to myself and it is nature *

From the ramblings of a meandering mind, today I am wondering if the appreciation of nature is an intrinsic part of our soul or is something that we choose to acknowledge.

* Henry David Thoreau

Cat-astrophic: A Cute Predator's Hidden Toll

June 7, 2023

Cat-astrophic: A Cute Predator's Hidden Toll

UPDATE: Bruny Island Cat Management Project

Te Rapunga logo

February 11, 2019

Te Rapunga at the Wooden Boat Festival, Hobart

Erika Grundmann, author of Dark Sun, and Tracy Thomas from Bruny Island Coastal Retreats, appear on ABC Radio Hobart to talk about the restoration of Te Rapunga and the Wooden Boat Festival in Hobart.