Erika Grundmann, author of Dark Sun, and Tracy Thomas from Bruny Island Coastal Retreats, appear on ABC Radio to talk about the restoration of Te Rapunga and the Wooden Boat Festival in Hobart.
Follow this link to ABC Radio to hear the audio and fast forward to the 55 minute mark.
The Bruny Island Race was first held on Saturday 19 March 1898 and was originally called The Ocean Race, it is Australia's oldest ocean yacht race.
Weed invasion is one of the largest threats against ecosystems all around the world; and unfortunately, is not immune to this threat.
Congratulations to Amy & Kim on getting married. They held their wedding ceremony and reception at Bruny Island Lodge.
It’s a well-known fact that feral cats have contributed to the extinction of several Australian bird and mammal species, whilst threatening the existence of many more.