Reducing the threat posed by Cats toward our wildlife such as this Endangered Eastern Quoll - © Jono Dashper
As a biodiversity treasure trove, our beloved Bruny is home to a multitude of rare and threatened species. However, the delicate balance of our native wildlife is under threat by feral, stray, and free-roaming pet cats.
The seemingly innocent act of letting pet cats roam can lead to devastating consequences. Each free-roaming cat kills an average of 115 native mammals, birds, and reptiles every year. In some cases, a single pet cat has been responsible for eradicating an entire native species within a local area.
With remarkable stamina and astonishing agility, Cats can traverse vast distances, with one male feral cat recorded journeying regularly between 'The Neck' and Dennes Point, some 26 klms away.
The Bruny Island Cat Management Project, in collaboration with the community, has worked since 2017 to reduce the impact of cats on Bruny Island’s wildlife in order to keep the islands ecosystems safe.
Bruny Island's rich and varied habitats provide refuge for numerous rare and threatened species that have suffered significant declines on mainland Tasmania, Australia nationally - and in some cases – around the world. Within this remarkable sanctuary, you may encounter the elusive Eastern Quoll, Long-nosed Potoroo, Eastern barred and Southern brown bandicoot, and our iconic White Wallaby. The island also serves as a crucial haven for birds, including Little Penguins, Short-tailed Shearwaters (who perform a 30,000klm trans-equatorial migration flight including Antarctica, New Zealand, Japan, and Alaska), Hooded Plovers at the shoreline; tiny Forty-spotted pardalotes nestled in white gums; and migratory Swift parrots seeking breeding grounds in the summer.
Hooded Plover - © Rod Hartvigsen
Swift Parrot - © Peter Brindley
Forty-spotted Pardalote - © Rod Hartvigsen
Short-tailed shearwaters - © Rod Hartvigsen
Feral, stray, and free-roaming pet cats pose a severe risk to Bruny Island's native wildlife as Island species are especially susceptible to hunting and diseases from cat populations which can rapidly expand. Once a native species disappears, it may never return.
The Eastern Quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus), tragically extinct in the wild on mainland Australia and experiencing a decline in Tasmania, finds a refuge on Bruny Island. However, recent research suggests that even here, these unique creatures are highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change and disease outbreaks.
If the number of feral cats ever increased significantly on North Bruny their predation of juvenile quolls could be devastating; particularly if combined with climate change. The thriving population of Bruny’s Eastern Quolls needs to be kept safe from the impact of cats and you can help!
By embracing responsible practices, you can help protect Bruny Island's incredible ecosystem by:
To report your observations, visit or use the smartphone app, and join us in contributing to the conservation efforts here on Bruny Island.
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The Bruny Island Cat Management Project launched in 2017, with the aim of reducing the number of cats roaming on the island to keep wildlife safe. NRM South, Kingborough Council and NRE Biosecurity have worked with the community to better understand the issue.
In addition to providing unrestricted research access to all our Nature Sanctuaries, Bruny Island Coastal Retreats has generously donated significant funds to support the BICMP in protecting Bruny Island's native species.
UTAS researcher, Cyril Scomparin, used this funding in his 2018 research to determine the impact of removing cats on seabird colonies. Alarmingly, seabird colonies on Bruny Island have some of the highest recorded cat densities in Australia, with densities at The Neck seabird colony as high as 15.5 cats per square kilometre! Monitoring and trapping throughout the project has reduced these numbers five-fold, to around 3 cats/km2, with the Neck’s little penguins and short-tailed shearwaters becoming safer because of this!
To ensure the welfare of our island's unique wildlife, all cats that live on or regularly visit Bruny Island must be registered with Kingborough Council, desexed, microchipped, and contained within their owner's property. A limit of two cats per household applies without a permit, and feeding stray cats is prohibited.
Kingborough Council has supported cat owners on the island by providing free registration, discounted desexing and microchipping. Through the support of Bruny Island Community Association, Bruny Island Environmental Network, Bruny Men’s Shed and 10 Lives Cat Centre, many Bruny cats now have a contained outdoor palace to enjoy, keeping them, and our wildlife safe!
Men’s Shed and Bruny Island Environment Network volunteers installing Cat enclosures.
Truffle’s Cat Mansion on Bruny Island
If you have a cat, you can be a champion for your local wildlife by desexing your cat and keeping them contained - even if you aren’t living on Bruny Island!
The Cat Shack at Alonnah offers a compassionate solution for community members seeking new homes for their cats or dealing with trapped stray cats. It provides a place where cats receive care, assessment, and are either reunited with their owners - or, if possible - rehomed by the Ten Lives Cat Centre.
As an island teeming with rare and captivating species, Bruny holds a special place in the hearts of all fellow islanders and spellbound visitors. By understanding the challenges posed by feral, stray, and free-roaming pet cats, we can all play a part in protecting and preserving this extraordinary ecosystem for generations to come through responsible pet ownership, regular sighting reports, and the continued support of such local initiatives; therefore, contributing to the island's continued conservation and future vitality.
To find out more about Bruny Island's Cat Management Project -
Visit NRM South:
Kingborough Council:
It’s a well-known fact that feral cats have contributed to the extinction of several Australian bird and mammal species, whilst threatening the existence of many more.
The Tasmanian Azure Kingfisher is endangered and endemic to Tasmania, and very rarely seen on Bruny Island.
Weed invasion is one of the largest threats against ecosystems all around the world; and unfortunately, is not immune to this threat.
In late 2013, undertook a massive and rather unique weed eradication project. Our aim was to control the radiata pine infestation which was threatening to overrun the native bushland at our 900 acre 'Bruny Island Lodge' property on South Bruny.
In 1930 a small wooden boat set sail for unknown adventures. This might not in itself be remarkable; however, this was a journey that was eventually to lead from Kiel in Germany to Bruny Island, Tasmania.
The Bruny Island Race was first held on Saturday 19 March 1898 and was originally called The Ocean Race, it is Australia's oldest ocean yacht race.
BBC Travel visits Bruny Island to view the Southern Lights.
The Endorfun Labillardiere Pensinsula Trail Run was held on September 24th, 2017. The 17.5km run took participants around picturesque trails on southern Bruny.