IGS Art Camp

November 13, 2017

Students and teachers from International Grammar School Sydney stayed Bruny Island Lodge for an art camp. Using inspiration from the natural surroundings, they worked together to create works of art.


More Bruny Island Journal

White bellied sea eagle

November 6, 2017

The Solitude of birds

Perhaps it is something about the island that makes us like birds, both happy in our solitude and eager for a chat.

BRUNY18 Winning painting by Steven Giese, 'Antipodean Study: Last Fish at High Tide'

October 31, 2018

Bruny Island Art Prize

Bruny Island Coastal Retreats, along with Nature Pact, are pleased to announce a partnership with the Bruny Island Foundation for the Arts.

Bruny Island AU - COVID-19

March 18, 2020

Bruny Island AU Retreats & COVID-19

We care deeply about our guests, community and employees. The COVID-19 pandemic affects all of us and we need to consider our actions & interactions in this ever-changing situation.

Historical photo of Alf Holding and Roy Taylor at Cloudy Bay entrance with their caravan

August 10, 2017

Cloudy Bay, South Bruny: where Nature's heart beats strong amid the hills

Cloudy Bay was initially named l’baie Mauvaise by French explorer Bruni D'Entrecasteaux in 1792, after 1822 it was marked on the maps of the time as Bad Bay, and after 1859 became known as Bad or Cloudy Bay.